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Author Archive: Laurie Hall
Pornography creates a false impression of both the male and female body, leaving us with a sense of dis-satisfaction over how we look and how our partners look because we just don’t (and CAN’T compete) with the airbrushed, silicone plumped images that porn sells. How much can airbrushing change reality? Just watch this mind blowing […]
When my marriage ended, there wasn’t one thing in my life left untouched. I lost family and friends. I lost my home. I lost business opportunities since the groups I was working with at the time were largely faith-based and they felt a divorce was a “bad testimony”, even though a number of them privately told me […]
NOTE: There is a HUGE difference between an affair and sexual addiction. Before you decide to try and save your marriage, you need to know whether you’re dealing with an affair or with someone who has an addiction. The article below is only for those dealing with an affair AND your partner is repentant and […]
Discovery of a sexual addiction is a severe strain to a marriage. Trust is shattered. Once broken, trust is difficult and often impossible to rebuild. Still, most of the spouses I’ve worked with who’ve discovered their spouse has a secret life of sexual addiction want to see if it’s possible to save their marriages. […]
Posted on November 25, 2013 by The Matt Walsh Blog I know a guy who cheats on his wife. He cheats on her every day. He cheats on her multiple times a day. He’s a husband and a father and a serial adulterer. I shouldn’t know this fact about him, but it came up in […]
Create and Use 10 Delicious Daily Habits Developing Delicious Daily Habits as a key aspect of self-care is part of the Personal Foundations Program that Laurie offers as a teleclass. Click here for more information about the Personal Foundations Program. An excerpt about key aspects of delicious daily habits is posted below. By LAURIE MOISON There is so […]
Delicious daily habits help us regain our inner peace in the midst of the turmoil that is so much a part of being a spouse of a sex addict. Making time to do several simple habits every day gives us opportunities to step back from the chaos and heartache of addiction and […]
By LAURIE MOISON When Amy Schoen found the receipts she felt relief. She wasn’t nuts after all. At the same time, she had that really sick feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you find out the nightmare you hoped you were dreaming is actually a real life drama with you […]
By LAURIE MOISON When you get married, you make a decision to wrap your life around not only your own goals and dreams, but also the goals and dreams of your spouse and the goals and dreams you have as a couple. Divorce declares that decision null and void. So, when the marriage ends, what’s next? […]