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This one received an Emmy for Editing. The beauty industry destroys woman’s self esteem by holding them up to an impossible standard of beauty. Make sure you watch the HD version or you won’t be able to tell which shots are photoshopped. KUTV2 news report Nov 17, 2008
A candid interview with two women who have struggled with carnage left when they were both molested at a young age, This is the story of how they coped and ultimately triumphed. This a segment of my documentary on “Sex the new Millennium Drug” Directed, Filmed and edited by Greg Brown.
Gordon explains pornography and sexual addiction and the two-part brain. From
Dr. Donald Hilton Jr., renowned neurosurgeon, address concerned individuals and organizations with the latest scientific data on how pornography addiction affects the brain and the consequences of this addiction to our communities. He is the author of numerous articles and books on the subject and regularly travels to give presentations on the topic. If you […]